October 25, The day of the Plebiscite

 On october 25 here in Chile we decide if we approve or we reject a new constitution, the current constitution was made in the period of the dictatorship in Chile, so for many people is the legacy of that dictatorship and of course there is an amount that defend this constitution but on october 25 it was proved that they are the minority. The approve win with an 78,27% vs 21,73% of the reject, that day made me really happy and its just like a little of hope in the people just that but it anyways made me feel really happy, but the vote isn't just that, there was a second votation about the mode of conformation of the people that will make the new constitution, you can vote for convention constitutional wich won with 78,99% or you can vote for convention constitutional mixed wich obtained the 21,01% of votes, the first one have parity so if all its good we will be the first country with a constitution writed with parity, i think that is really nice we need more womens in the charges that they deserve for example, currently less than 20% of Chilean parlamentarians are women, also in this option all the member will recive the same payment and they cant apply to public charges in a specific period, the other opcion was very weird, because you let the parlamentarians to recive and extra payment than the other members that aren't parlamentarians, they also can apply to public charges after creating the new constitution, i think that is very malicious to allow the people to make the new constitution and also allow them to apply to public charges like there are so many crossed interests and it wont help for the new constitution, fortunately the conventional constitution win and i only hope we can do this process in the best possible way.

Thanks for reading!


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